I realize this is Rust, and a lot of people are jerks... Just don't take this to the extreme and start berating other players. A 'Fuck You!' here and there is expected. Just don't start with the racial slurs, or sexual orientation slurs. If you aren't adult enough to keep it half-way civil, then I don't want you here. Being a dick to the admin however, will always get you banned.
Do not use hacks or exploits. If you happen to glitch inside a rock, just say 'Cool!' and move on. Because if you build in there, you WILL get banned! Using mouse clicker programs is OK by me, as crafting on a 100x is a bit tedious.
Do not constantly send me /calladmin's telling me that someone is being a dick, just because they are door camping you. If they are using racial slurs or similar, send ONE /calladmin and let me know. If I'm around, I'll deal with it. If I'm not, I'll deal with it when I am. I have server logs, and can go back and see what everyone has done on my server.
Use /ignore if someone is getting on your nerves.
Do NOT ask me to spawn you items. Do NOT ask for TPs around the map. If you are raiding someone and fall in a hole and can't get out, press F1 and type KILL. Do NOT ask me to get you out. You wanted to raid, you deal with it.